
The Nike+ Ipod sports kit is a device which measures and records the the distance and pace of a walk or run.

The Nike+ Ipod sports kit consists of a small accelerometer attached or embedded in a shoe, which communicates with either the Nike+ sportsband, a reciever plugged into an iPod nano, or directly with a 2nd, 3rd or 4th Gen iPod touch, iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4.

Itunes software can be used to view the walk or run history.

The Nike+ website allows users to create their own profile in which they can get coaching, log and track runs, add and compete against friends, set goals and compete in challenges.

The examples on the right and below show my personal training programme in which is a programme specifically designed to train a runner for a marathon therefore the programme is very personal to each individual and their targets. This image shows a weeks training and the runs are shown on a day to day basis and the orange bars show a completed run as well as distane run. The schedule is weekly over a 24 week programme.

The above image shows a single run which you can access by clicking the orange bars. This allows you to view each run individually. You are able to view distance and speeds you have run at each point throughout the duration.

It also tracks the calories burnt, the duration and the average pace in Km/Miles.

The image to the left shows runs in which have been completed up to the current day and this also shows overall totals such as total calories burnt, total distance ran, total duration of running, the amound of workouts completed and the average pace.

It also allows you to view your personal best times such as fastest mile, fastest 5K and fastest 10K as well as your furthest run.
Nike+ also allows users to add friends and join challenges.

This allows users to meet other Nike+ users as well as compete with friends and other runners worldwide.

Users can compete in various ways such as adding friends and comparing stats and data or joining challenges.

Users can join or make their own challeneges and compete with as few of many users as they wish.

Global challeneges such as Men vs Women and the 2011 Worlds Best Country allow users to coloborate their data and run for a team. Users simply have to join a challenege they wish to compete in and select a team. Each users data will be collaborated once their run has been synced from a device to the internet. The data is then added to the challenege and this will update the results.

Challeneges and friends profiles also allow users to communicate, which means users can find more friends and compete against more people who they may know and also others around the world